Mabruk Oil Operations - Tripoli, Libya
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Company name
Mabruk Oil Operations
Dat El Imad Tower (2) , Floor (14). , P.O.BOX 91171,, Tripoli, Libya
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Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 - 15:30
- Tuesday: 08:00 - 15:30
- Wednesday: 08:00 - 15:30
- Thursday: 08:00 - 15:30
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: 08:00 - 15:30
E-mail address
Company description
Mabruk Oil Operations is one of the oil companies operating on behalf of NOC (National Oil Corporation ) & Total E&P. Mabruk Oil Operations activities are based on the model of an operating company with core business activities focused in oil / gas fields’ development and production.
Mabruk Oil Operations is a non profit company and does not have an aptitude for making any. It has a task in providing a service for the development, operation and production of commercially declared and explored assets on behalf of all partners (NOC, TOTAL, WINTERSHALL and HYDRONORSK).
Mabruk Oil Operations employees around 379 employees in 2008 of which 59 are expatriates, 320 are locals. They are distributed among its 3 main operational sites and its main offices located at Dhat El Imad Complex in
Mabruk Field
Mabruk Field: is an onshore field located about 170 kilometers to the south of Sirt town (Middle Eastern Libya). It was discovered in 1959 by LIAMCO (Libyan American Company), but was never developed due to the adverse characteristics of its carbonated reservoirs.
The development of the Mabruk oil field started in 1994 and has required the setup of innovative technologies to bring about a successful economic production from a tight and complex oil field (horizontal and multilateral drain drilling technology).
Mabruk Oil Operations is a non profit company and does not have an aptitude for making any. It has a task in providing a service for the development, operation and production of commercially declared and explored assets on behalf of all partners (NOC, TOTAL, WINTERSHALL and HYDRONORSK).
Mabruk Oil Operations employees around 379 employees in 2008 of which 59 are expatriates, 320 are locals. They are distributed among its 3 main operational sites and its main offices located at Dhat El Imad Complex in
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Tripoli.Mabruk Field
Mabruk Field: is an onshore field located about 170 kilometers to the south of Sirt town (Middle Eastern Libya). It was discovered in 1959 by LIAMCO (Libyan American Company), but was never developed due to the adverse characteristics of its carbonated reservoirs.
The development of the Mabruk oil field started in 1994 and has required the setup of innovative technologies to bring about a successful economic production from a tight and complex oil field (horizontal and multilateral drain drilling technology).
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