Atlantic International Co - Tripoli, Libya
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Listing - +11Years
With Us
Company name
Atlantic International Co
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Contact Person
Ahmed ElashhabE-mail address
Company description
We, Atlantic International Trading Co. , glad to introduce our international representation & trading services, our aim is to be your partner into the Libyan market.
Our Services Consists Of The Following:
* Representation Services: We are willing and ready to represent new companies and services in the Libyan.
* Legal / Financing / Investment/ Management Consultancy:
With our consultancy services we can assure your success to achieve your goals with zero risk.
* Translation Services: any translation from/to Arabic, English, and Italian is just LYD 4 or USD 3 per page.
* Marketing & E-Trading
* Franchising: we can seek new franchisee for your projects and services.
* J-V Projects: we can promote your projects and find a
* Logistic services: we can reach any point in Libya, we can handle your air/sea shipments to Libya
Let us know your services and products and then we will make you a marketing plan to gain time and money. We work on commission basics which means no money in front .
Let us be part of your marketing plans.
Our Services Consists Of The Following:
* Representation Services: We are willing and ready to represent new companies and services in the Libyan.
* Legal / Financing / Investment/ Management Consultancy:
With our consultancy services we can assure your success to achieve your goals with zero risk.
* Translation Services: any translation from/to Arabic, English, and Italian is just LYD 4 or USD 3 per page.
* Marketing & E-Trading
* Franchising: we can seek new franchisee for your projects and services.
* J-V Projects: we can promote your projects and find a
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local partners and investors.* Logistic services: we can reach any point in Libya, we can handle your air/sea shipments to Libya
Let us know your services and products and then we will make you a marketing plan to gain time and money. We work on commission basics which means no money in front .
Let us be part of your marketing plans.
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